
Freya Swim Check In Tankini Top
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Size: 32 to 38, D to G cup
Freya Swim Deco Swim Moulded Tankini Top
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Size: 36, DD/E cup
Freya Swim Desert Disco Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 32, DDD/F cup
Freya Swim In The Navy Deco Moulded Tankini Top
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Size: 32 to 34, DD/E to G cup
Freya Swim Jewel Cove Non Padded Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 30 to 38, D to L cup
Freya Swim Jewel Cove Plain Non Padded Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 30 to 38, D to L cup
Freya Swim Kamala Bay Uw Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 36, DDD/F cup
Primadonna Swim Najac Half Padded Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 34 to 40, D to G cup
Freya Swim Nomad Nights Uw Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 30 to 38, D to L cup
Fantasie Swim Ottawa Twist Front Tankini Top
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Size: 32 to 38, D to I cup
Freya Swim Remix Tankini Top
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Size: 32 to 34, D to DD/E cup
Fantasie Swim Santa Monica Scoop Neck Tankini Top
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Size: 32 to 38, D to DDD/F cup
Freya Swim Twilight Soul Plunge Tankini Top
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Size: 30 to 38, D to L cup
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